A Small Delay in smsGV


Aside from a few new projects and developments for work, I have delayed the release of smsGV slightly (though its commits are always available publicly on GitHub—albeit not very recently updated, that’s to be soon changed).

It’s only fair that I let you all know the reason for the delay. It’s not because I don’t love smsGV or Google Voice anymore, I use it daily, but rather because I have traversed the Google Voice backend further and found a more optimized route to achieving my goals. Furthermore, I’ve found that using it will prepare the smsGV library for additional features that otherwise would not have been or would have been difficult and inefficient to implement.

That’s all for now. I just wanted to keep everyone posted on the progress.

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michael schade

I like learning new things. Previously: Kenchi founder, eng & ops teams at Stripe from 2012-2019. Say hi! 🏳️‍🌈